
Custom Fabricated Roof Mounted LED Billboard

Outdoor Specialist Overcomes Challenges That Foiled Other Fabricators
Once again OSI creates a high visibility outdoor advertising structure where other billboard fabricators suggested none could safely be fabricated. The build that houses Scores Gentleman’s Club is located adjacent to Interstate 83. The structure holds a 12×24 digital LED unit by WatchFire Signs.

This unit was particularly difficult because Outdoor Specialist, Inc. engineers had to work with the building engineers to design and fabricate an I-beam structure to support the LED sign. The challenge was that the I-beam structure had to be mounted to both the wall and ceiling inside building, then reach through the roof to support the digital billboard. We have expert engineers, fabricators and installation crews that have experience in wall and roof mounted billboards.

The final design overcame difficulties and structural issues to strengthen the older building so as to support the new outdoor advertising structure. It took approximately 3 days onsite to complete this outdoor advertising structure. This location is bound to generate an extremely high return on investing for the structure owner due to the locations high traffic volume. Not only is the sign adjacent to Interstate 83, but it will be visible to high volume local traffic as well as occupants of the surrounding commercial office buildings.